Welcome to my amazingly average sprint 1
This will be a very brief summary of my sprint 1 work
During the sprint 1 we learnt how to use github and git and got an explanation of what both were. This is great as github seems to be one of the primary tools that we use for the whole course. We learnt how to push our files and repos to github and discovered how to navigate it acordingly. Also we were able to clone repos in the foundations navigation.
Git on the other hand is the actual software, github makes use of such software. The software itself is a version control software used to save progress on the work through snapshots, meaning that all work is continually saved, allowing it to be worked on continouslly without the hazard of runing the current work. An example of git software in use would be google docs continouslly savings the progress of the docs.
Describe your core personal values.
My primary core personal value would be awarness. I have always been one to question things and think deeply about life. I believe awarness to be a solution if not the acceptance of many of our problems. Being aware of who one is and being at peace with such person. This is a great state of awarness and can bring great peace to ones life. Awarness can be implimented in to many aspects of life such as friends, work, lifestyle and even day to day activities. My core values all arise from the awarness of me. Determination, forginess, empathy and individuality; each of these values are implemented in myself and my life through the state of awarness. They all provide me with necessary tools to be able to act in harmony with both myself and my surroundings.
Explain a situation where you have had an ethical decision to make. Discuss how you weighed up the values involved in that decision, the decision you made and the consequences of the action you took
One of my strongest ethical decisions was to accept who I trully was and therefore lose many friendships. Again leading back to awarness of one self. I had to gain such awarness and accept it which was not easy but for the long run made me trully at peace with who I am. My friendships were of course something that I was not willing to let go off, as I consider friends to be closer than some family. Nevertheless the decision I took was selfish in a way but the consequences of it, we greatly beneficial for me. I had to let go to be able to let myslef free. The turn of events lead to me being a lot happier with myslef.
Describe how your culture has influenced your values and identity
I have been involved in many cultures and have them deeply rooted in me. They have molded who I am in many way and definitly had an effect on my values. The primary value of awarness came from the fact that I was part of so many cultures. It meant that I understood that everyone is a lot similar than we think and that we trully deserve the empathy and love of each other. I have many, many friends which I will not give up as they themselves are a part of me, this was again implemented in me through the cultures I was in while growing up. Growing up in spain meant that I learnt to show love to others and that being friendly to strangers is a great facet. While England thought me that no matter where you come from you can call family to people who walk the path of life with you. Finally New Zealand thought me that no matter where you go home will always be home. These have all made me in to a very caring person.
Describe your strengths and limitations through explaining a situation where you have had an ethical decision to make
My greatest limitation is that I overthink things too much. Leading to anxiety, wrong decision and overall unhapiness. I have stopped drinking and smoking for sometime now and it is definetly one of the best ethical decisions I have made. It showed my strength of determination as I have been surrounded by it and involved in it since very young. Meaning that it was deply involved in my lifestyle. The decision took me a while to accomplish as I would overthink if it was the right idea and I would see friends having fun which made me question my decision. Nevertheless I choose my judgement to be right and now I am a much better version of myself.
Evaluate your strengths and limitations in terms of your learning and career development
My greatess limitation is self limitation and doubt. They both affect me a lot in my learning as I under evaluate myself and tend to not accept my achievment as such. It can lead me to get frustrated with myself and annoyed. My strenght is probably my ability to adapt to situation and people. I have great abilities to become acostomed quickly to new situations. With people I usually get a long very well and tend to keep a healthy relationship with them which has always helped me in my career development. Being able to adapt also meant that learning will slowly become easier and easier. Im just a little slow...
Identify which of your strengths might help you in your learning journey and how they might intersect with learning obstacles
Determination will definitly be a great factor in my success with my learning journey. As explained before overthinking and self doubt lead to me udermining my ability and creating a much bigger impression of an obstacle than its real identity. Determination allows me to push through even when I doubt myslef which in itself is a self motivating factor when under that pressure. Awarness of the feelings is also great due to the fact that it allows me to take a break and re group myself again.
Share an example from your experience of where you were trying to work productively with others, but there was resistance or tension. Discuss the strategies you used at that time, how effective they were, and your reflections on what other strategies you would try now, and why
I once worked in Tesco while studying in Cambridge and there was this one boss that in the opinion of the majority, was just straight nasty. I tried many times to befriend her and she seemed to like me but there was always people getting back to me of how she would spread rummors. I would then talk to her about the problems she said were arising but she would always say it was all fine. If I could do something differently would probably be to tell her the truth of my knowledge of what she was saying and confronting her in a soft way so that she would not feel threatend. Maybe that way we could discuss what was the real problem at hand.