Welcome to my amazingly average sprint 5

This will be a very brief summary of my sprint 5 work

What are three new things you have learned about yourself and your ego as a result of the core learning?

  1. That I tend to push myself down when I do not understand something straight always.

  2. That I get fixated on work and can sometimes get lost in it. This would happen on various different challenges.

  3. My ego is quite fragile. Because its quite prominent, im aware of this and am working on it. So again when I try something and its not the BEST I give myself a hard time.

What are the role of values, empathy and self awareness in learning and programming?

To keep one calm and composed and to be kind to one self. If not you are not gonna get anywhere, they allow one to overcome problems and attain solutions with a clear mind.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

That its so largely focused on this course, as in every single sprint. I think its cool.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

definitely was talking about myself all the time. I am not the biggest fan of sharing too much personal stuff about myself. This is not a problem though as I believe one should feel comfortable doing so.

Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

Because human interaction and communication is hugely important for companies and for oneself. I studied business in England and the core development of employees improved vastly their overall performance. It makes for a better workforce and working enviroment. Can also give you more oppotunities as an individual looking for work.

Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practising programming instead? Justify your answer.

To be honest I am not the BIGGEST fan of it. I think its very valuable for some people but for many others it can be a bit tedious going over stuff one is already aware of. I am a fairly sociable individua and have worked in many different roles very well with my co-workers. I understand and respect myself (even thought the core helped me with this). I think it was needed but not with that amount of it, I feel like I would have liked to spend a bit of that extra time coding. Regardless of my opinion I think its great to have that added core. It acts as a good momment to switch the braing to a different type of thinking. I changed opinion I think its a good implement. :)
