Welcome to my amazingly average sprint 3

This will be a very brief summary of my sprint 3 work

What is Emotional Intelligence?

The ability to self manage ones emotions, on top of that it is also the abiity of self awarness of such states of emotion as well. With good emotional intelligence one is able to understand, use and manage ones emotions in a healthy and positive way. It will improve the overall way in which you interact with the world around and yourself.

How is it different to IQ?

IQ is more of the ability one has to problem solving and reasoning ability. It gauges at someone ability to overcome tasks and find solutions or predictions. The use of both logic and information.

Why is it important?

Eq is important due to the fact that it allows you to manage ones self in a more positive way. Leading to a healthy relationship with one self and their environment. Iq is important as it means one has the capabilities of overcoming problems and attaning solutions to such.


An analogy to describe the differences between HTML and CSS

So HTML is the actual skeleton structure of the body, giving a frame to the body. While CSS is styling of the body such as, flesh, hair, freckles, etc. One allows for a structure to be used and the other uses such structure and styles it.

Explain control flow and loops using an example process from everyday life

Control flow is the flow of how the code executes and loops are a form of flow that gets repeated for whatever amount of times specefied. Like going to sleep and flossing your teeth, its a process you repeat every day (loop) and it is executed in a certain order, floss teeth then go to sleep.


Describe what the DOM is and an example of how you might interact with it

The hierarchical structure of the web browser creates to make sense of everything is the dom. The strcuture is based of the collision of html, css and javascript. The dom apart from the former elements it has more things beyond the base html, css and javascript. Evrything that makes up the dom is usually most known as nodes. The nodes are everything from elements to atribbutes, comments, documented-related stuff and many more. However all the underlaning nodes are not important as a web developer you wont be dealing with most of them. html element - in the dome your html element start with a chain of node-element-htmlelement. Thats how you acces the html element through the dom. the window object - The actual window of your borwser that contains all the information contained within it. you can do many things through your window page such as accesing the url, frames, using local storage, information on screen and much more.


Explain the difference between accessing data from arrays and objects.

Objects represent a group of things that can have different or certain characteristics while an array has set list of data in a single variable. To access an array you use metric system starting from 0 using the square brackets, while with an object you specify directly which property you want, for example car or pen.

Explain what functions are and why they are useful

A function is a set of commands in which an input has been added and a output will be returned after a certain procedure has taken place. These statements or procedures that take place provide the output after the input can be very versatile and allow for many changes to be performed.
